Friday, May 25, 2012

Kartagener's Syndrome

Here's another eponymous syndrome named Kartagener's (German physician, 1933)*. It's a triad of features:
  • Dextrocardia or Situs inversus
  • Brochiectasis
  • Recurrant sinusitis
It's more scientifically known as primary ciliary dyskinesia - meaning cilia in the body don't beat properly. This is a problem during development where you need correctly beating cilia to put your organs in the right place (the cilia cause little waves of growth factor to swoosh around). If they beat the wrong way you get situs inversus or dextrocardia. If they don't beat at all it's situs ambiguus and organs end up in random places.

Here's my random picture for remembering this syndrome:

This heart (dextrocardia) in a cart (Kartageners) was traveling past a wrong way sign (..a..situs...sinusitis) and crashed into a tree (broken tree = broken bronchial tree = bronchiectasis).

* Kartagener M (1933). "Zur Pathogenese der Bronchiektasien: Bronchiektasien bei Situs viscerum inversus". Beiträge zur Klinik der Tuberkulose. 83 (4): 489–501.
* also... Situs Solitus is the normal positioning of organs in the body.

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